Chris Smith

Chris Smith

Six Things You Might Not Know About the Pulumi Service

Six Things You Might Not Know About the Pulumi Service

As a reader of this blog, you’ve probably heard of the Pulumi Service, the default state-management backend of the Pulumi CLI, and if that’s the case, there’s a good chance you’ve also heard of many of its key features. But did you know we’re adding new features to the Service all the time—some of which are incredibly easy to miss? In this post, we’ll highlight a few of those lesser-known features that we think make it even easier to manage your infrastructure with Pulumi.

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Managing AWS Credentials on CI/CD - Part 3

Managing AWS Credentials on CI/CD - Part 3

This article is the third part of a series on best practices for securely managing AWS credentials on CI/CD. In this article, we cover the last leg of the continuous delivery process to update your AWS resources and how to store sensitive data using Pulumi securely.

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Managing AWS Credentials on CI/CD - Part 2

Managing AWS Credentials on CI/CD - Part 2

This article is the second part of a series on best practices for securely managing AWS credentials on CI/CD. In this article, we go in-depth on providing AWS credentials securely to a 3rd party and introduce a Pulumi program to automate rotating access keys.

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Managing AWS Credentials on CI/CD

Managing AWS Credentials on CI/CD

Continuous delivery requires providing highly sensitive credentials to your deployment pipeline. Understanding the risks, mitigations, and best practices for handling those credentials can be difficult. In this guide, we describe the best practices for providing AWS credentials to a CI/CD system and to securely automate updating your cloud infrastructure using Pulumi.

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Pulumi Service Improvements, February 2020

Pulumi Service Improvements, February 2020

We’ve been hard at work making it easier to manage stacks, permissions, and organizations in the Pulumi Service. Adding new features like first-class support for stack tags, deep links into CI/CD providers, and downloadable checkpoint files.

In this post, we showcase what’s new!

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Getting to ChatOps with Pulumi Webhooks

Getting to ChatOps with Pulumi Webhooks

Today we are delighted to announce the availability of Webhooks on Pulumi. Webhooks are a very common mechanism to enable teams to be notified or react to events. In Pulumi’s case, this means: notifications of infrastructure changes (be it on Kubernetes, AWS, or any other cloud); responding to those changes as part of ‘ChatOps’; or other build pipelines, to improve the delivery of cloud native infrastructure.

Pulumi Webhooks are available for the Team and Enterprise editions of Pulumi. If you’re keen to try them out, start a trial of Team Edition here.

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Reusable CI/CD components with CircleCI Orbs for Pulumi

Reusable CI/CD components with CircleCI Orbs for Pulumi

This morning CircleCI announced the launch of CircleCI Orbs which enable you to create reusable components for CircleCI workflows. Orbs enable you to simplify your CI/CD configuration by reusing existing orb jobs or commands, in much the same way Pulumi enables you to simplify the delivery of your cloud native infrastructure by sharing and reusing existing components.

Pulumi is proud to be a CircleCI technology partner, and we were excited to get a head start on seeing how orbs could make it easier to take Pulumi into production within CircleCI. The Pulumi Orbs for CircleCI are available today for you to start using.

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Creating and Reusing Cloud Components using Package Managers

Creating and Reusing Cloud Components using Package Managers

Hello! A few weeks back I wrote a post on serving static websites on AWS with Pulumi detailing how to host a static website on AWS. Pulumi allowed me to wire four different AWS products together in only 200 lines of code. It would be a shame, however if I needed to copy and paste that code every time I wanted to to stand up a new website. Instead, we can package up, share, and reuse our code just like any other Node.js library. It just so happens that this one can be used to create cloud infrastructure.

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Serving a Static Website on AWS with Pulumi

Hello! This post covers using Pulumi to create the infrastructure for serving a static website on AWS. The full source code for this example is available on GitHub.

Setting up the infrastructure to serve a static website doesn’t sound like it would be all that difficult, but when you consider HTTPS certificates, content distribution networks, and attaching it to a custom domain, integrating all the components can be quite daunting.

Fortunately this is a task where Pulumi really shines. Pulumi’s code-centric approach not only makes configuring cloud resources easier to do and maintain, but it also eliminates the pain of integrating multiple products together.

This isn’t a hypothetical benefit of using the Pulumi programming model. We use a setup similar to the one described in this post for powering our own static websites, like and

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